Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving. As a vegetarian in difficult times I have to think a bit about a reason for celebrating this holiday. The TV ads tell me it's about recipes, not overcooking the turkey, getting ahead on the holiday sales. My elementary school taught me to wear paper Native American (back then called "Indian") wreaths decorated with autumn leaves and to march down the assembly aisles donating my canned goods. We re-enacted the Pilgrims first Thanksgiving. My mom made "Indian" pudding, a delicious mixture of corn meal and blackstrap molasses, with a sauce that had real rum in it. There were the trips to see grandparents sometimes. But nostalgia only goes so far.

All right, I'm developing some present day meaning for myself. First, I benefit from being grateful. Psychology has confirmed this: make a gratitude list daily - at least five items- and you will feel better emotionally and physically. Second, the four day holiday gives me a needed rest before the downhill race to December 31st. Third, I can catch up on laundry, cleaning and homework assignments. Fourth, I can help out with one of the meals for homeless citizens. Five, I can avoid shopping and reflect on Life during the time I will save, not to mention money.

For students and teachers, Thanksgiving Week is wonderful. My students look forward to the food and to sleeping all day every day. It's wonderful until Monday, November 29th, which marks the season of the school year called Mid-Term, not Year End: exams, term papers, portfolio's, presentations. What was the blissful beginning of the school year has become the hard reality of Due Dates and Evaluations, with spring standardized testing looming in the shadows. Let me get back in bed. I plan to relax while I can. Happy thanksgiving.

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